About Us

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Hi, we're Kettering Florist. We believe that sending flowers is the quickest way to show you care.

Delivering happiness is at the heart of what we do. We are an award-winning flower service provider, dedicated to delivering fresh flowers straight to your door, come rain or shine. We know it's not just about the flowers, it's the thought behind it that matters most. Celebrate those around you, show up when times are hard, treat yourself, and remind others how special they are. Find the perfect bunch that fits and show you care. 


We offer same day delivery through our team of trusted local artisan florists - perfect for moments when life catches you off guard.

We value the importance of choice, which is why we've also developed our collection of fresh bunched flowers, available for next day delivery via our partner courier. 


Handtied Flowers

In a hurry? Don't panic, you've still got time. We've teamed up with our florists to offer you same day delivery if you order before 2pm! Take a look at our Same Day collection and find the right choice for you. With a couple of clicks, one of our professional florists will be picking your stems and making the personal touches you need. Easy right? A moment of happiness sent straight to their door. 


Fresh Bunches

Birthdays, anniversaries and all the celebrations you can plan for, we've got you covered! Take your time, grab a cuppa and find the perfect gift. At Kettering Florist we use fresh bunches and even give you the chance to add something a little extra to make your mark - wine anyone? Each order is prepped and packed by our devoted team, with a touch of TLC of course. Just order before 7pm for delivery the next day.


Our Artisan Florist Network

It's no secret that we love flowers, so why wouldn't we love florists too?! 
Kettering Florist provides opportunities for local florists in ways that empower and support them. We believe in collaboration and sharing the art of fine floristry, which is why we place your same day orders with florists who are passionate about their craft and community. Let's hear it for our nation full of florists! 

Need flowers outside of Kettering? Let our network of the best local florists in the UK create the perfect bouquet for you. 



Things Our Customers Say


Kate Sutton
March 2022

I used McDowell for my wedding flowers and made a last minute (2 days prior) order for two small flower arrangements with delivery and I was not disappointed, they were amazing!! I was absolutely delighted with them. Brilliant service - the picture are the flowers 3days after the wedding! Highly recommend McDowell services and delivery

Sanjana Dutta
February 2022

Place with lots of  fresh flowers

N Lung
September 2021

Handy to have a florist nearby, for making memorable dates all the more special. The staff are super friendly and have a wide variety of plants, flowers and other gifts.

Fiona Bell
August 2021

Beautiful flowers, helpful staff